Alright, as your brand new DC of the Halo division. The first thing i would like to say is that i dispise the fact that the Black Ops division is doing waaay better than us in just about EVERYTHING, such as, activity, teamwork, activity, they have more people, activity, activity, activity, activity, activity, activity, activity, activity, activity. I cant stress enough we need to stay ACTIVE!! if you start to get bored of Halo, like everyone does, just start a party up and go play some random shit. Like me SpatialAgate and Starburst did, we went and played multi team. Which i didnt know until then, is insanly fun when you have friends playing with you. Hell, any game is more fun when you have friends.
In summary, i want people to be active. There are going to be some changes around here unless we start to see more activity (squad leaders) "hint" "hint".
Also, not previously stated, we all need to make a big recruitment push. Whenever you are playing, send at least one message to a random on your team asking them if they would like to join.. Of course make sure that they are enjoyable to play with, if they accept your invite, play a few games with them. dont worry so much about skill just yet. we just need dedicated ACTIVE players.
Thank You,