After Action Report of 8/4/11
Members Attended: Captn Starburst, Kingtra 90210, DiehardCreature, BeserkButchy, Atomic Tea
Members Excused: none
Members AWOL:Lordshinganami
Practice Summary:Practice lasted for quite a while and we played a wide range of gametypes. Playing a total of 14 games, we won a total of 9
Objectives Completed: We got together and played for the first time, We got to learn a little about each others playing styles and personalities
Analysis: We played well for the most part but we need to start communicating as a team. Communication is the first basis of working and acting as a team
Overal rating:
Attendance--Good (Some key mistakes where made, but with some additional training should be good to go)
Communication--Average (More training needs to be done, failed to execute things that are normally great)
Team Work--Average (More training needs to be done, failed to execute things that are normally great)
Well done men It was done and im looking forward to next time!
Captn Starburst